Thursday, July 30, 2009

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Planet Hulk animated Iron

Remember this, fans of giant emerald? Remember the Hulk's adventures on the planet Sakaar? Then it's time to get to the next level with the animation of Planet Hulk, which will be sold on DVD and Blu-Ray in February 2010. Until that day, a green taste.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Win The Lost At Any Cost Hymnal

Teaser Man and Wolverine

Well, this is amazing ...

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Anime Amazing Spider-Man # 32 Iron Man # 8

Phenomenon, the addict become a monster, locked herself in a cocoon from his last fight against Spider-Man. Dr. Curt Connors, whose experiments accidentally created the beast, is that phenomenon must be out of action while the temperature continues to frost ... rather than a supernatural recent snowstorm provided with full hands recently. But after Spidey take charge of the Deity and his henchman, the maniacal Dr. Rabin, the storm ceased ... and Phenomenon is about to reappear, sooner or later ... on sale JULY 29, 2009.

Monthly • 48 pages • 29 pesos

Monday, July 27, 2009

Clean The Travel Trailer

The Mandarin revealed plans to release the Extremis virus among the population, giving those who have certain genetic makeup with enhanced abilities, but killing others ... including him.

With Iron Man and Mandarin engaged in battle, the allies of Tony Stark's SHIELD agency for peace, decided to assist if they are not authorized. Along the way, make a plan to detonate the weapon EVH Stark: a device that can counter the attack Extremis pulling everything around it into a mini black hole, and then disperse in an explosion.

When Iron Man is attacked by subjects Extremis-enhanced, command detonate the EVH SHIELD. While trying to escape the explosion, the effects are devastating. SHIELD

try to contact you, but detected no signs of life. FOR SALE FROM JULY 26, 2009.

Monthly • 24 pages • 21 pesos

Friday, July 24, 2009

Red Hair Blue Eyes White Skin

The alien race known as Skrulls began their invasion of Earth.

First, they launched a well-planned secret invasion using their skills cambiaspecto to sow distrust between the Avengers and other heroes around the world. They hit hard and fast: Avengers deceived both authorized and those of the resistance to direct them to the remote wilderness and the hunt the Skrulls posing for their partners and loved ones in another era.

Then Skrull agents posing by humans around the world acted: DUM DUM DUGAN, agent of SHIELD, JARVIS, steward of the Avengers, Captain Marvel, the Kree warrior, HANK PYM, Avenger founder ... all hand thrown the attack ... the invasion started full force when they sent a virus by the central computer Starktech, leaving the SHIELD off, like the battle armor of Iron Man then sent the Baxter Building of the Fantastic Four into the abyss of the Negative Zone and Reed Richards captured, enemy of the state Skrull.

Finally, a ground attack in the form of thousands of super-powered Skrulls landed in Manhattan and quickly ended the young heroes of the initiative, even in training. When the Skrulls began to systematically implement the heroes on TV for the world to see, Nick Fury appears with a completely new team of Howling Commandos

... Back in the Savage Land, Spider-Woman to Tony Stark is unmasked as Queen Skrull, and he says he is the great sleeper agent in the history of the Skrull empire ... FOR SALE FROM JULY 27, 2009.

Weekly • 24 pages • 21 pesos
DRAWINGS Leinil Francis Yu

Thursday, July 23, 2009

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Secret Invasion # 4 Secret Invasion Checklist updated

Marvelitas, it's time to catch up with the new list of titles we publish the mega-event Secret Invasion known as . Among the new finds Thor (yes, the Flipbook), Thunderbolts, Amazing Spider-Man and X-Men. Give Click the image for a larger view and download to your computer.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

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Monster Edition Spider-Man: With great power ...

Is responsibility?

is only a concept, a moral discourse that makes the old who have no idea how hard it is to be a boy. How difficult it is to be cool, stay cool and respect you a bit. Nobody knows that better than Peter Parker.

This is her story, told in the days that followed the legendary radioactive spider bite that gave him the amazing powers of Spider-Man, back when he learned the lesson that all great power comes ... late-model cars , beautiful women and buckets full of money. And the ability to send flying to the world that has always stuck with him.

This is the story of Peter Parker, before I learned the hard and cruel lesson of all: that with great powers come great ...

With great power ... fill in the gaps of the legendary comic book by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, Amazing Fantasy # 15 , a legendary landmark cartoon in which he invented a new hero for a new world of comics. In the pages of that classic, creative partner of legendary head turned the temple mythic hero as the ideal perfection, and instead gave to Peter Parker, the science nerd with all they get, but which is in turn arrogant and self-conscious. As such, the teenager Peter Parker was a tabula rasa on which were cut dramatically the amazing powers of Spider-Man ... and as soon understood Stan and Steve, were cut too quickly!

And now in this incredible limited set of five issues of Marvel Knights, the writer David Lapham and artist Tony Harris, found the space to move around the panels seminal and explore what it meant for Peter Parker to be in the crucible of much more power and responsibility.

Just after receiving the "proportional force a spider in the laboratory accident that kept the destination, but before the devastating death of his Uncle Ben, Spider-Man is dressed casual cock that gets the most of their formidable talents. When exploiting their powers to gain popularity as a professional wrestler, throws his sudden stardom to international fame and fortune hit. However, in their living entity as the main Midtown geek from high school, still can not get any respect. But now that he is Spider-Man, you can buy, or find a shock-the way to get it!

Tony Harris returns to Marvel with a task tailored to your unique style! And the perfect script to David Lapham explores the latest of many twists and turns that left Stan and Steve, using an absorbing narrative and dialogue and accurate tuning for the soul of these classic characters.

Monday, July 20, 2009

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Secret Invasion: Runaways / Young Avengers # 1 Captain

Aliens cambiaspecto infiltrated Earth. Undetectable assumed positions of power in the community government, military and even the super heroes. They have very advanced technology, a huge army of warships, enough troops to occupy the planet and a secret weapon: Superskrulls, which can mimic the powers of many superheroes.

While patrolling, the Young Avengers witnessed the first wave of the invasion. Teddy, aka Hulkling who is half-Skrull and who has prophesied that El Salvador would be the Skrull race, "was especially confused by this.

After recently returned from an adventure in 1907, the teen super-group known as the Runaways, among them Xaviña, a Skrull, has no idea that the invasion is about to begin ... FOR SALE FROM 20 JULY 2009.

Weekly • 24 pages • 21 pesos

Friday, July 17, 2009

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America # 7

With the help of psychiatrist Dr. Faustus megalomaniac, Red Skull manipulated Sharon Carter, the former SHIELD Agent 13, to take the life of Steve Rogers, the man who used to be Captain America. Sharon, pregnant with a son of Steve Rogers, was captured by his enemies.

Cap's former partner, James "Bucky" Barnes, agreed to wear the costume of Captain America and go after Red Skull. However, Aleksander Lukin former Soviet general whose mind sharing a secret with Red Skull, faked his death in a plane crash. Meanwhile, the krona Lukin Corporation takes actions that have shaken the U.S. economy and Red Skull prepares its own official, Gordon Wright, to form a third party and work on his political agenda.

And while wandering through the base of Red Skull, Sharon Carter met with a countenance that, though scarred, is very similar to the late Steve Rogers. FOR SALE FROM THE 17TH OF JULY 2009.

Monthly • 48 pages • 29 pesos
DRAWINGS Steve Epting

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wording For A Certificateof Thanks

First images of Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow Cosplay

The Viuuuuuuuda Neeeeegra ... ever say Mr. Matamoros into a podcast, referring to the sexy spy who accompanies the adventures of the Avengers (it can be seen regularly in our series Secret Invasion and Captain America ). For now, Iron Man 2 , Scarlett Johansson will portray the heroine in costume set. Here the first image and a cover that Entertainment Weekly had of the highly anticipated second part of the Armored Avenger.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

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Great Moments of Mexico (this post contains no laugh track)

I've always been very respectful of people who dress up as his character / superhero / artist favorite at parties or conventions. For those who have had the courage, this post is for you. Please if any of the followers of this blog is featured in these pictures (or know), do not hesitate to point it out.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Roll A Navy Neckerchief

Sale Marvel bags and cartons Mexico

Marverlitas from and can buy the new package of self-adhesive bags with cardboard / l Marve and care as are those valuable comics that are scattered everywhere . Now do not be shy.

Black Coming Out Of Jaccuzzi

Secret Invasion: New Avengers # 26

New Avengers know cambiaspectos race known as the Skrulls invaded Earth. And since they can not really distinguish Skrull who can not trust that someone is who they say they. This led the Avengers to a growing distrust.

The Illuminati is a secret organization formed by many of the mightiest heroes of Earth: The Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange, Black Bolt, king of the Inhumans, Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, Reed Richards, founding member of Fantastic Four, Namor, the Sub-Mariner, ruler of Atlantis and Iron Man, a founding member of the Avengers. These six men have worked together to shape the world superhuman. To maintain confidence among group members, the existence of the Illuminati was kept secret from everyone, including teammates and family members.

years ago, after the Kree-Skrull War, the group traveled home for the Skrulls to let you know the aliens that the Earth would not tolerate further attempts at invasion. FOR SALE FROM JULY 10, 2009.

Bimonthly • 48 pages • 29 pesos

Monday, July 13, 2009

Laguiole Et Opinel Difference

Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four # 3

Skrull Invasion has begun and the Fantastic Four are the first victims! When a Skrull posing catch by Reed Richards Sue Richards (aka the Invisible Woman), she replaces it with a Skrull imposter who takes over the portal to the Negative Zone in the Baxter Building, and drags Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm and the sons of Richard, Franklin and Val, in that place in space. The Skrull, still posing as Sue, Johnny tries to convince Ben is actually an extraterrestrial invader, but the Torch finds his lies and copycat shows that it is ... Lyja the Skrull warrior and former love interest Johnny Storm! FOR SALE FROM JULY 13, 2009.

Weekly • 24 pages • 21 pesos
WRITER Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa

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Wolverine # 50: Old Man Logan

Nobody knows what happened the night the mighty fallen ... just know that disappeared, the triumph of evil and that since then, the bad guys have had the last word.

The greatest mystery of all is what happened to Wolverine. Some say they hurt like no one had been hurt. Others say they just got tired of so much struggle and retired to live a simpler life.

Anyway, has not raised his voice has not got the claws in nearly fifty years. His old friends hardly recognize him now. FOR SALE FROM JULY 13, 2009.


Monthly • 24 pages • 21 pesos

DRAWINGS Steve McNiven

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Omnibus: X-Men, the missing numbers for sale

What mega-event happened before the mutant known as Messiah Complex? At what point Mystique betrayed the X-Men? Why was moribunba Rogue? This and many more questions will be answered today with the release of Marvel Omnibus: X-Men, missing numbers, an issue that will more than satisfied with the thousands of fans ... and that mutants are not, well, this is an excellent opportunity to start his fondness for the children of the atom.
Note that this issue is mostly written by Mike Carey, and contains two illustrations: Chris Bachallo and Mexican Humberto Ramos . FOR SALE FROM JULY 13, 2009.


OMNIBUS • 199 pesos