Thursday, July 9, 2009

Can I Clean My Penis With Hydrogen Peroxide?

Flipbook Marvel: Thor # 7 / Daredevil # 25

Earlier Thor:
The Thunder God has completely restored Asgard, and all its inhabitants fallen. However, this effort needs is about to cost him his life. To survive, Thor must enter into a deep sleep, which takes you to lands never thought about stepping ... and find someone who wants to bury in the past. FOR SALE FROM JULY 9, 2009.

THOR # 7

Monthly Flipbook • 24 pages
WRITER JM Straczynski

Earlier Daredevil:
After the media exposed him as the masked hero Daredevil, Matt Murdock was arrested and imprisoned at Ryker's Island because of an elaborate plan organized by an unseen villain. But Matt escaped and traveled to Europe to clear his name, encountering along the way with a heiress of the Mafia called Lily Lucca. Although the scent of Lily made any man obsessed with her, Matt fought his disappointment on finding the person behind his fall, Vanessa Fisk, the wife of his nemesis, Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin.

Now, Matt Murdock has returned to Hell's Kitchen. As Daredevil, he discovers that the streets are more bloody and violent than ever, because someone wants to take the place of Kingpin.

The opening salvo of the attack by the villainous unknown Daredevil includes an old friend of Matt exenemigo, Melvin Potter, the Gladiator. The supervillain was reformed, but committed several brutal murders in prison, but apparently has no concept of having made them. Matt hopes that concerned only a trap, but after taking the case of Melvin as his lawyer and to interview, you realize that es culpable y que miente sobre su inocencia… aunque podrían estar controlando sus oleadas de asesinatos. Y cuando alguien monta una elaborada y violenta fuga para liberar a Melvin, Matt teme que está en el camino correcto… A LA VENTA DESDE EL 9 DE JULIO DE 2009.

Daredevil #25

Mensual Flipbook • 24 páginas • 29 pesos



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