Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spreading Rash On Inner Thigh


When it seemed that the city of Sevilla had overcome their complexes to walk through the century, threatening winds reach his career. The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) has requested interviews with the institutions responsible for cultural heritage of the Board and the City of Sevilla, with a view to drafting a report showing the economic circumstances of the project Cajasol Torre.

The reasons are:

  • "A mismatch of the Pelli tower to the principles of the Convention for the Conservation of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972."
  • "The false identification between modern and large sized buildings."
  • "Ignorance of the values \u200b\u200bof the urban landscape as a relevant element to keep in the area where the skyscraper is planned."
  • "The absence of a definite attitude on the part of municipal and other authorities responsible for culture to preserve some of the key areas in a city with more weight heritage of Andalusia and Spain "

This is not the first time the English National Committee of ICOMOS gets trick in this case, as it did in the 2007 warning of " serious threat posed to the cultural heritage of Seville ..." , and that " would have a profound impact on the landscape that are part of the city property on the List World Heritage as the Cathedral, the Alcazar or the file ".

Reading this list, it appears that Seville future skyscrapers will be built next to the Giralda, when in reality it is much farther away, or that your environment is the very Alhambra. What most hurts "of these allegations is that really what matters to the Unesco is the height of the building, because currencies in the heart of Sevilla already running Metropol Parasol, clear that the same are not aware.


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